ENSURED: Shaping Multilateralism for a World in Transition

ENSURED: Shaping Multilateralism for a World in Transition

The current moment has seen war and populism strain the foundations of multilateralism. Together with 13 consortium partners, GPPi is launching a new research project to help bolster global governance: ENSURED, or ​“European Union Support for More Robust, Effective and Democratic Global Governance.”

ENSURED addresses five policy areas – trade, climate, health, migration, and digitalization – that by their very nature pose transnational challenges. Collective efforts to address such challenges will require institutions that can survive under duress, achieve the goals for which they were established, and include all their stakeholders through transparent processes. These indicators of robustness, effectiveness and democracy are the starting points for our research.

GPPi will take the lead in translating the project’s empirical findings into action points that can inform EU policy. This will involve producing policy reports and research briefs, as well as crafting strategic narratives to help EU officials promote better, more inclusive forms of multilateralism. GPPi will also develop the project’s communications channels, including an online toolkit that visualizes the transformation of global governance to reach active citizens and policymakers alike. Additionally, GPPi will contribute a report on AI regulation for the digitalization policy area.

Please read the introductory and regular posts below:


From the Coordinators: The ENSURED Vision - Hylke Dijkstra and Clara Weinhardt



“Towards Sustainable AI for Climate Action”: The Promise, Pitfalls, and Path Forward - Urvashi Aneja

"Stronger Europe, Stronger Multilateralism”: Defending Global Governance Under Trump 2.0 - Tim Heinkelmann-Wild

“Lower Costs, High Flexibility, and Secrecy”: The Strategic Game of Informal Governance - Thomas Sommerer

Trump 2.0: Trigger Points for Europe? - Stephan Klingebiel and Max-Otto Baumann

“Recommit to Multilateralism”: What to Expect from the Summit of the Future - Eugene Chen

"Lack of Coverage Makes IOs Vulnerable": International Organisations and Media Visibility in the West - Michal Parizek

Navigating Uncertainty: What to Expect from the 2024 NATO Summit - Leonard Schuette

“A Rather Sober Experience”: Insights from the WTO's 13th Ministerial Conference - Manfred Elsig

Charting a New Course? What’s at Stake in the 2024 EU Elections - Dylan Macchiarini Crosson





Visit the ENSURED website.