Editorial Board

C.J. Polychroniou
Caroline S. Wagner
Juergen Braunstein
Robert Falkner
Professor Ann Florini
Thomas Hale
Gleider Hernández
Dr Mathias Koenig-Archibugi
Marion Laboure
Kate Macdonald
Anthony McGrew
Dr Eva-Maria Nag
Lauge Poulsen
Danny Quah
Professor Dani Rodrik
Joel Sandhu
Antonio Savoia
Anmol Saxena
Catherine Turner

Advisory Board

Professor Tim Besley
Professor Jagdish Bhagwati
Professor John Braithwaite
Professor Mick Cox
Professor Geoffrey Garrett
Professor Takatoshi Ito
Professor Mary Kaldor
Professor Robert Keohane
Andreas Klasen
Professor Sebastiano Maffettone
Professor Jeffrey Sachs
Professor Lord Nicholas Stern
Professor Joseph Stiglitz
Professor Ngaire Woods
Professor Tianbiao Zhu

Practitioners' Board

Mr Lakhdar Brahimi
Richard Burge
Augustin Carstens Carstens
Howard Davies
Bill Emmott
Pascal Lamy
Chris Miller
Alastair Newton
James Orbinski
Javier Solana
George Soros
Professor Muhammad Yunus

Danny Quah

Danny Quah
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
Li Ka Shing Professor in Economics and Vice Dean (Academic Affairs)
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy


Danny Quah is Vice Dean (Academic Affairs) and Li Ka Shing Professor in Economics at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. His research interests include income inequality, economic growth, and international economic relations.  Quah's current research takes an economic approach to world order - with focus on global power shift and the rise of the east,  and alternative models of global power relations.   

Quah is Commissioner on the Spence-Stiglitz Commission on Global Economic Transformation; Member, Executive Committee, International Economic Association; and Senior Fellow, Asian Bureau of Finance and Economics Research.

Quah gave the third LSE-NUS lecture in 2013, TEDx talks in 2016, 2014, and 2012, and the Inaugural LSE Big Questions Lecture in 2011.  His blog is regularly named one of the top 100 Economics blogs in the world (2016, 2017a, 2017b) Quah’s research has been supported by the Khazanah Research Institute, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the British Academy, the UK’s Economic and Research Council, and the Andrew Mellon Foundation.

Quah was previously Assistant Professor of Economics at MIT, and then Professor of Economics and International Development, and Director of the Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre at LSE.  He served as LSE’s Head of Department for Economics, and Council Member on Malaysia’s National Economic Advisory Council.

Quah studied at Princeton, Minnesota, and Harvard.



Visit him on Google Scholar page | Facebook | Twitter | Blog | Lectures and Talks on YouTube