Special Issue - Global‐Regional Realignments in Trade, Finance and Development

Special Issue - Global‐Regional Realignments in Trade, Finance and Development Pages

Multilateral Bretton Woods institutions such as the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO are challenged by a rising number of bilateral or regional organizations. Using the toolbox of regime complexity research, the authors of this Global Policy special issue edited by Susanne Lütz study patterns of integration and disintegration in the regime complexes of trade, finance and development from the viewpoint of actors and particularly regional challengers. Their findings imply that governing the global-regional interface should seek to exploit the benefits of both global and regional institutions by combining mechanisms of positive and negative coordination.

Special Issue Articles

Global–Regional Realignments in Trade, Finance and Development: Introduction to the Special Issue - Susanne Lütz

Multilateralism, Bilateralism and Institutional Choice: The Political Economy of Regime Complexes in International Trade Policy - Dirk De Bièvre and Emile van Ommeren

Digital Trade Rules in Preferential Trade Agreements: Is There a WTO Impact? - Manfred Elsig and Sebastian Klotz

Institutional Complexity and Opportunity Structures: Weaker Actor Influence in International Intellectual Property Regulation - Justus Dreyling

Borrowing Patterns in the Global Financial Safety Net: Does Governance Play a Role? - Laurissa Mühlich and Barbara Fritz

Regime Complexity and Complex Foreign Policy: China in International Development Finance Governance - Hongying Wang

Cooperating Through Competition: EU Challenge and Support to the World Bank Focality in Multilateral Development Finance - Eugenia Baroncelli

Policy Norms, the Development Finance Regime Complex, and Holding the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to Account - Susan Park

Release Date