This special issue applies an original lens to an overlooked aspect of international organizations (IO) research, bringing (temporary) findings, but also suggesting multiple avenues for further research. It considers IOs as co-constitutive of multilateralism and investigates three main questions: (i) How are IOs influenced by time and space? (ii) How are time and space experienced within IOs? (iii) How do IOs influence time and space around them? Targeting Global Policy's broad and diverse audience, the issue's articles address both IO scholars and practitioners, encouraging them to reflect on their everyday experience of IOs and daily professional practices. Through its broad focus, it also intends to nourish ongoing discussions on the politics of time and space more broadly.
Special Issue Articles
Experiencing Time and Space within the United Nations - Leah R. Kimber, Lucile Maertens
Humanitarian Planning and Localised Temporalities: The Haitian Case - Jan Verlin
Controversial Practices: Tracing the Proceduralization of the IPCC in Time and Space - Kari De Pryck
Release Date