We invite expressions of interest for the first Global Policy North Workshop at the University of Glasgow.
About Global Policy North
Global Policy North is a consortium of scholars from various disciplines and universities across Northern UK Universities, working on a range of global governance and global policy issues. The purpose of GP North is to create a forum for collaborative and innovative research, publishing, teaching and outreach.
About the Workshop
The Global Policy North Workshops take place on regular, termly basis. This one-day workshop will provide an opportunity for researchers to present research, discuss working papers, and offer an opportunity for feedback and advice. Papers at any stage of production are welcome. Thematically, the substantive focus is broad: we welcome any paper so long as the paper addresses an aspect of global policy and/or global governance. The workshop will also provide the opportunity for networking and discussion on potential collaborations emerging from the network and those present at the meeting.
If interested, please contact: Mirko.Heinzel@glasgow.ac.uk / j.taggart@qub.ac.uk with a title and abstract for your proposed paper by the 5th of February.
Decisions will be communicated by the 7th of February. Please share your draft papers one week in advance of the workshop. Limited travel funding is available for Early Career Researchers. Please mention the need for support in your email application.