G20 Policy Brief - The Great Balancing Act: can food sustainability be achieved at the G20 in an era of climate change?

By Holly Barden - 03 December 2018

As the population is expected to reach 9.7 billion people, and as our diets transition to a greater intake of meats, protein and dairy, agricultural output will have to increase by 70 per cent in less than 25 years. This challenge is further compounded by high levels of climate change which is ravaging the land, soil and water that agriculture heavily depends on. Since the countries of the G20 account for about 60% of agricultural land and almost 80% of global trade in food and agriculture, reaching consensus on achieving food sustainability is not only crucial but an inescapable responsibility. Consequently, the G20 should focus on mobilising adequate investment in climate smart agricultural technology and innovation, encouraging a global transition to healthier, more sustainable diets, and working on reducing food loss and waste across food supply chains.



To read Holly's brief please click here.

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