Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

23 May 2013
This past weekend, I was in Connecticut for my dear friend Michelle’s wedding. Having arrived a day early, we elected to see Clybourne Park (now playing at the lovely and…
20 May 2013
Cornelius Adebahr unpicks the international security dimensions of the next Iranian elections. Ironically enough, the life-or-death decision whether a country wants to have…
09 May 2013
I have often been asked why Africa, after finding a few good leaders in the mid Twentieth Century, has been subjected to a list of terrible leaders. Africa is accused of being the…
20 April 2013
While the US pivot to Asia under the Obama administration has gathered much attention, a number of conflicts around the world can be seen as ‘pivots’ in which the world tilts…
17 April 2013
As a believer in the academy as one of the few refuges of meritocracy in Western Civilization, the existence of athletic scholarships has always troubled me. As a matter of policy…
04 April 2013
There are conflicting explanations for why DFID exists. Whether you believe the agency is a financial apology for mismanaged colonialism, a foreign policy tool to exert control…
27 March 2013
“Almaty II” is beckoning: Next week, the UN-backed talks over Iran’s nuclear programme will continue in the Kazakh capital. However, the Iranian leadership’s obsession with…
20 March 2013
The concept of city corporation insolvency (known is municipal bankruptcy in America) is not a new one; it traces its roots back to the financial failure of Roman periphery towns…
13 March 2013
Cornelius Adebahr argues that economic decline rather than the nuclear issue determine life in Tehran on the eve of the Persian year 1392. But a ‘perception gap’ between Iran and…
08 March 2013
What do Obama and Bono have in common? Both have proposed that the world should seek to end extreme poverty over the next twenty years or so. Obama said so in his annual state of…