Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

09 October 2017
Viraj Mehta unpicks the potential of India’s ‘unique experiment in human history’. Those of us who grew up in India in the 1980s, when only one national…
05 October 2017
Branko Milanovic explores lessons from Fernando Pessoa's 'The anarchist banker'. It is impossible to spend a few days in Lisbon and to be a compulsive voyeur of…
05 October 2017
After a surprising election result, Europe is closely watching German coalition negotiations. A so-called Jamaica coalition of conservatives, liberals and greens is the most…
04 October 2017
Morgan Bazilian, Peri-Khan Aqrawi-Whitcomb, Paasha Mahdavi, and Cyril Widdershoven examine the similaritires and differences between an independent Kurdistan and South Sudan.…
04 October 2017
llan Manor examines digital diplomats’ ability to reach new audiences and construct competing versions of reality. In 1987, James Der Derian conceptualized …
03 October 2017
Under Donald Trump, US federal drug policy has undergone a fairly dramatic reversal. The Obama administration’s criticisms of the ‘war on drugs’ are gone,…
02 October 2017
This is a transcript of a talk given by David Held at the Federazione Nazionale dei Cavalieri del Lavoro as part of a conference on ‘The Challenge to Western Democracies:…
02 October 2017
C.J. Polychroniou on recent developments in Europe, including Brexit, Catalonia, Greece and the rise of the extreme right. Since the outbreak of the euro crisis, which was…
29 September 2017
The world’s population is ageing. Improvements in healthcare in the past century have meant people are living longer, but this has also resulted in an increase in the number…
28 September 2017
Democracy worldwide faces deep challenges. But good ideas can help overcome them. Is democracy the only kind of political system that can deliver on prosperity and stability? This…