Essays Archive

21 August 2017
Abstract Whilst much has been written about the use of internet-based viruses as a cyberwarfare weapon to inflict damage on the infrastructure of other countries, one area that…
11 July 2017
The Middle East and North Africa are highly vulnerable to climate change. In the absence of coherent mitigation of and adaptation, climate change will soon exacerbate food and…
15 May 2017
The Trump administration continues to be an administration in transition. It has taken the new President and his entourage a prolonged period of time to settle in. The new…
19 December 2016
With the recent election of António Guterres as the next United Nations Secretary-General, the focus will soon shift to the next Secretary-General’s reform priorities, with a…
22 August 2016
This essay examines the latest inter-state negotiations on climate change at COP-21 and argues that the Paris Agreement should be seen as neither a trivial blip in the governance…
25 July 2016
An arc of instability from Afghanistan through the Middle East to West Africa is leading to unprecedented displacement and forced migration with a staggering 87.6 million people…
13 January 2016
The pace of urbanisation in the 21st century has been phenomenal especially in lower middle and low income countries. This trend is mostly explained by an unprecedented increase…
23 July 2015
Ever since the 1973 oil embargo, and especially since the Russian-Ukrainian gas crisis of 2006, Western policy makers have paid a great deal of attention to energy security. Yet…
11 November 2014
In the Melian Dialogue, Thucydides writes that justice applies only to relations among equals and in dealings with others, the strong do what they can while the weak suffer what…
16 September 2014
China and India’s low-carbon development is crucial for global sustainability and domestic welfare. However, embedded political and economic obstacles have prevented a…